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Interview Alberca ApartaSuites


Like many professionals in this sector, Manuel Fragero entered the hospitality industry due to family tradition. In Córdoba, he manages the Barroso, Cruz Conde, and Alberca apartment buildings, as well as the Los Patios and Marisa hotels, which have 37 rooms, and the Casa Turística la Torre. For all of them, he has relied on Redforts as the business management software. In addition, Manuel was the president of the Association of Hospitality Entrepreneurs of Córdoba (Aehcor).

He has ample experience to speak about hotel management, the state of the industry, and the functioning of Redforts.

How does Redforts help in the day-to-day operations of hotels and apartment buildings?

We are delighted with this software. We have been using Redforts since 2014 and we are still here, installed in all our establishments. The program greatly facilitates day-to-day management. Furthermore, we have noticed that usability has improved over the years. It is a program that never stops, they are always innovating, and in fact, we have recommended it to several colleagues. It is a very comprehensive program that covers all the needs of our establishments.

How did you come to know about Redforts?

By chance, through the internet. We did not know anyone who used it. We started using it ourselves, and several hotels or establishments in Córdoba have installed Redforts because we recommended it to them. For example, the Córdoba Centro hotel.

Does it meet the needs you were looking for?

It meets them completely. The agenda, for example, is essential for us. All reservations are managed there, automatically loaded from different channels. The reports module is also very comprehensive: sending documentation to authorities is very convenient. We also use it for invoicing.

Have you noticed improvements over time?

We have met or contacted them several times, and they have taken into account most of the suggestions. When there has been a bug, we have mentioned it and it has been fixed immediately. There has always been very effective communication. On the other hand, the new functionality of online signature, adapting to the new regulations, is very useful and easy to use.

Would you like it to have any improvements?

The rate management is very easy to use, but perhaps it could be improved by allowing the establishment of rules, for example. The management with suppliers could also be improved, as well as the invoices for charges, creating a complete PMS for the entire purchasing part.

Has it helped you after the COVID crisis?

It has helped us gradually fill the hotels. We are still waiting for the return of international clients, but we are improving little by little. This year has been mostly national clients. In this regard, online payment is working very well. It is very practical for us.